Job Readiness Training

All classes are available to any youth or adult in the community seeking to develop essential skills that will prepare them employment. Participation is on a first come, first serve basis as venue capacity allows. a six week Job Readiness Training with a Career Path.  Curriculum was developed to focus on preparing, obtaining and retaining employment.

Transitional Housing

Housing services provides a regulated period of time to potential residents in a crisis situation.  Rebuilding Communities currently operate two housing facilities for men and women therefore space is limit.  Every applicant is required to meet with representatives of our organization in order to complete an interview prior to admittance into our program. Our team meet to provide potential residents with the opportunity to discuss their current needs and for our staff members to determine if the organization is a good match for their life skills development.

Pre-Selected Home Ownership

Stressing home ownership is an important and critical goal for Rebuilding Communities, as realizing this goal has always been part of the American Dream. Rebuilding Communities home ownership program provides a significant impact on the quality of life to individuals in our community by offering the following services:

  • Pre and post Financial Counseling to assist with the home buying process
  • Referrals to lenders and First- time home buying programs
  • Free or reduced closing cost
  • Rent to Own on a Land Contract

Educational Training

The types of training we provide will include, but are not limited to, specialized Career Training Programs, eight week Etiquette Training Program, new or continuing Parenting Classes and Computer Training. In addition, our staff members will provide Custom and Specialized Occupational Short-Term Certificate Trainings in the following: Certificated Nursing Aid, CBFR, Financial Services Trainee, Healthcare Customer Service, Infrastructure Security (Internet), Child Care, ServSafe,, System Administration and Entrepreneurship.

Life Skills Development

Our program increase the ability to make healthy decisions within daily living.  We cover a multitude of areas such as:

  • Creating and Developing Awareness
  • Substance Abuse
  • Anger Management
  • Healthy Lifestyles and Self Care
  • Survival Skills and Techniques
  • Nutrition 
  • Wellness Training with Exercises

Rebuilding Communities evidence base program as increased self-esteem, independence, and improve school performance and employment readiness.

Resources & Referral Program

Rebuilding Communities have established relationships and partnered with an extensive number of organization and agency to be able to serve the community on all level of needs. 

New Veteran Program